What is Cyclic Redundancy Check?
Cyclic Redundancy Check CRC is an error detection algorithm used in communication networks to check if the transmitted data contains any error.
How CRC works?
CRC generator at sender's end:
1. CRC used a n bit generator polynomial which works as divisor.
Generator = 10101 then n=5
2. Append n-1 number of zeros to the data word.
Data word = 110010101
Appended data word = 110010101 + 0000 = 1100101010000
3. Divide the appended data word by the generator by using binary division.
4. The remainder obtained after division is a n-1 bit CRC code.
Remainder = n-1 bit CRC code =1011
5. Replace the n-1 zeros in data word with the n-1 bit CRC code.
Final data word = 110010101 + 1011 = 1100101011011
6. Transmit the CRC appended data word.
CRC checker at receiver's end:
1. Divide the received data word by the same generator.
2. If the remainder is zero than data is not erroneous else it contains error.
CRC implementation in C++
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
char exor(char a,char b) // perform exor operation
return '0';
return '1';
void crc(char data[], char key[])
int datalen = strlen(data);
int keylen = strlen(key);
for(int i=0;i<keylen-1;i++) //appending n-1 zeroes to data
int codelen = datalen+keylen-1; //lenght of appended data word
char temp[20],rem[20];
for(int i=0;i<keylen;i++)
rem[i]=data[i]; //considering n bits of data for each step of binary division/EXOR
for(int j=keylen;j<=codelen;j++)
for(int i=0;i<keylen;i++)
temp[i]=rem[i]; // remainder of previous step is divident of current step
if(rem[0]=='0') //if 1's bit of remainder is 0 then shift the rem by 1 bit
for(int i=0;i<keylen-1;i++)
else //else exor the divident with generator key
for(int i=0;i<keylen-1;i++)
rem[keylen-1]=data[j]; //appending next bit of data to remainder obtain by division
for(int i=0;i<keylen-1;i++)
data[datalen+i]=rem[i]; //replace n-1 zeros with n-1 bit CRC
int main()
char key[20],data[20];
cout<<"Enter the data:";
cout<<"Enter the key:";
crc(data,key); // generate crc
return 0;
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